

“The thoughts I choose to think and believe right now are creating my future. These thoughts form my experiences tomorrow, next week, and next year.” ~ Anonymous

Our minds are the powerhouse of our physical existence. Our thoughts within our mind can be both, building and limiting. Our mental health requires just as much needed work as do our physical bodies. We are Mind, Body, and Soul...as one. We must be open and empowered to change the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Mental illness comes in all shapes and sizes, and it is more common than we perceive. As a warrior with chronic illness, I live with bouts of anxiety and depression. I have found that many of us do not give ourselves permission to feel. One tends to experience fear and doubt controlling the mind, resulting in an unconscious cover-up or burial of one’s emotions. It takes a conscious awareness and commitment to show up and feel your emotions free from judgement. When we cannot feel our emotion, we cannot transform it, and it can get stuck in the body showing up later as a trigger. This trigger can present itself through mental illness and/or even physical illness.

Have courage; we can take control and change our thoughts through seeking help, if necessary, seeking a support system, and/or practicing Mindfulness. Being aware of within and all that surrounds you, one moment at a time can allow you to be present and in tune with what your body requires.

Our mind in its physical form, our brain, is the control center for our bodies. As children, we have a great amount of neuroplasticity, equipping our brain to change continuously. As we age, the neural plasticity decreases, making exercise even more vital for our well being!

“Exercise grows brain cells.” ~ Jean Blaydes

There is a vast amount of brain research supporting the increase of neuroplasticity through exercise. Using exercise as a tool and all its health benefits on the human body, make brain health, even more important for our future in functional healthy living. A healthy brain makes for a healthy body.